hermie's Dungeon

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You have entered hermie's Dungeon - bravo!

To get back to this page at a later moment, it should work by using this address:

On this page, you will find out more (and more...) about me, my interests and what I'm doing. I'm updating it every now and then, so you might as well bookmark it and come back later...
New: Pictures - Misc. photos, July 2000 and beyond...
Soon: More pictures, plus a few words about my trip to New York, March 2002...

Note: I've been using Style Sheets (CSS1&2) on some of my pages, so if you're thinking about saving them or something, please make sure that you save the file dungeon.css (right-click and "Save as...") in the same folder (or these pages will get a very lame look in your browser).
Also, the web always looks best if you are using the latest available browser (Netscape 6, MS Internet Explorer 6, Opera 6, or Mozilla 1.0 RC1 - and remember to keep it enabled for style-sheets). This website is best viewed with Netscape.

Some of my pages contain Norwegian flags, like this: NOR This means that the closest link leads to a Norwegian-only website. Links are usually underlined. A bigger flag (like the one below) means that the following paragraph is in Norwegian only.
Navigation is made easy by using the menu to the left. (Can't see it? Click here)

NORJeg håper du ikke har altfor mye imot å lese på engelsk, for siden jeg er så internasjonal av meg (hehe), er mesteparten av denne hjemmesiden skrevet på engelsk...
Skolesiden min ("Essays") med eksamensoppgaver er min mest populære side (og for det meste på norsk), og er til nytte for mange som går på videregående - det er fint :)


bb.gif (animatied blood)

Oh, and while you're here in  hermie's Dungeon, you might as well...

That would be very nice of you, I think. Thank you in advance!




Wanna get in touch with me? Go to the Contact page, or click the mailbox below the menu.

I am currently online.dll
